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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-16

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    H Kybernhsh qewrei oti exei ftasei o xronos gia na jekinhsei h Kypros tis ereynes gia ydrogonanqrakes entos ths Apokleistikhs Oikonomikhs ths Zwnhs, dhlwse apoce o Proedros ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, Tassos Papadopoylos, prosqetontas pws oi geitonikes xwres emplekontai hdh se ayth th drasthriothta edw kai dekaeties.

    Se xairetismo toy se ekdhlwsh toy Emporikoy kai Biomhxanikoy Epimelhthrioy Leykwsias, sto jenodoxeio ``Xilton``, pros timhn toy Genikoy Grammatea toy Organismoy Petrelaioparagwgwn Xwrwn (OPEK), Ampntala Salem el-Mpantri, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias dhlwse oti ``h Kybernhsh exei jekinhsei ton prwto gyro adeiodothshs gia endeka ereynhtika oikopeda entos ths Apokleistikhs Oikonomikhs ths Zwnhs stis arxes toy 2007, me thn ypobolh triwn aithsewn stis 16 Aygoystoy 2007 gia tria diaforetika ereynhtika oikopeda``.

    ``Oi aithseis ajiologoyntai aythn th stigmh``, prosqese, ``enw o deyteros gyros adeiodothshs problepetai na pragmatopoihqei ayton to xrono``.

    ``H Kypros``, eipe o Proedros, ``exei synacei mia apokleistikh poly-pelateiakh symfwnia me thn PGS, mia norbhgikh etaireia gewfysikwn yphresiwn, h opoia apekthse seismika dedomena entos ths Apokleistikhs Oikonomikhs Zwnhs ths Dhmokratias, gia mia genikh ajiologhsh toy dynamikoy ths, oson afora toys ydrogonanqrakes``.

    Opws anefere o Proedros Papadopoylos, ``to systhma energeias ths Kyproy einai ena apomonwmeno systhma, xwris opoiesdhpote egxwries phges, ejairoymenwn twn Ananewsimwn Phgwn Energeias kai, epomenws, plhrws ejartwmeno stis eisagwges petrelaioy``.

    ``Kata to 2006``, prosqese, ``to kostos eisagwgwn energeias htan, peripoy, ena disekatommyrio eyrw poy antiproswpeyei to 18% twn olikwn eisagwgwn ths xwras``.

    ``H Kybernhsh``, dhlwse o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, ``exei eksygxronisei toys eqnikoys nomoys kai kanonismoys gia toys ydrogonanqrakes -diejagwgh ereynwn kai ekmetalleysh- etsi wste na einai se plhrh armonia me th sxetikh Odhgia toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy kai toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy``.

    ``Epiprosqeta``, synexise, ``ena montelo symbolaioy diamoirasmoy paragwghs exei etoimastei, to opoio kaqorizei ej yparxhs to nomiko kai oikonomiko plaisio gia jenoys ependytes poy qa ependyoyn se ayto ton tomea``.

    O Proedros anefere epishs oti ``h Kybernhsh sxediazei thn idrysh enos oloklhrwmenoy Energeiakoy Kentroy, to opoio qa perilambanei dieykolynseis gia thn eisagwgh, apoqhkeysh kai aeriopoihsh ygropoihmenoy fysikoy aerioy opws, epishs, kai twn diaforwn kaysimwn petrelaioy``.

    ``To fysiko aerio``, eipe o Proedros, ``ontas mia pio apotelesmatikh kai periballontikh filikh energeiakh phgh, qa xrhsimopoihqei, kyriws, sthn paragwgh hlektrismoy kai qa exei mia qetikh epidrash sthn eqnikh oikonomia`` kai, ``epiprosqeta, to termatiko kaysimwn qa beltiwsei thn antagwnistikothta kai apotelesmatikothta ths kypriakhs petrelaikhs biomhxanias mesw toy eksygxronismoy ths``.

    ``Prosfates gewfysikes ereynes sthn Anatolikh Mesogeio/Boreio-afrikanikh perioxh exoyn apodeixqei epityxeis``, dhlwse o Proedros Papadopoylos, prosqetontas pws ``ayto, se syndyasmo me thn trexoysa ychlh timh toy petrelaioy, kaqista ayth thn perioxh ena shmantiko ereynhtiko stoxo``.

    ``Etsi``, eipe o k. Papadopoylos, ``h Kybernhsh ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias qewrei oti o xronos exei fqasei gia thn Kypro na jekinhsei tis ereynes gia ydrogonanqrakes entos ths Apokleistikhs Oikonomikhs Zwnhs, mia drasthriothta sthn opoia geitonikes ths xwres emplekontai edw kai kapoies dekaeties``.

    ``H Kypriakh Dhmokratia, ejaskwntas ta kyriarxika ths dikaiwmata na ejereynhsei kai na ekmetalleyqei toys fysikoys poroys ths, oi opoioi piqanon na yparxoyn sthn Apokleistikh Oikonomikh ths Zwnh, exei synacei symfwnies me thn Arabikh Dhmokratia ths Aigyptoy kai th Dhmokratia toy Libanoy sthn Orioqethsh ths Apokleistikhs Oikonomikhs ths Zwnhs``, dhlwse o Proedros. ``Ayto, pragmati``, eipe, ``einai se plhrh enarmonish me to Dieqnes Dikaio kai einai symfwno me tis ypoxrewseis poy phgazoyn apo th Symbash gia to Dikaio ths Qalassas twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn``.

    ``H Kypriakh Dhmokratia kai h Arabikh Dhmokratia ths Aigyptoy``, dhlwse o Proedros Papadopoylos, ``exoyn, epishs, ypogracei mia Symfwnia - Plaisio anaforika me thn anaptyjh ydrogonanqrakwn, poy briskontai sth mesh grammh twn phgwn. Ws kratos - melos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai exontas enarmonisei to nomiko plaisio me tis eyrwpaikes Odhgies, h Kypros``, synexise o k. Papadopoylos, ``prosferei ena staqero epixeirhmatiko periballon gia diejagwgh epixeirhsewn metajy twn endiaferomenwn ependytwn``.

    ``H proteinomenh dhmioyrgia toy Energeiakoy Kentroy, h synexhs prowqhsh ths xrhshs Ananewsimwn Phgwn Energeias, opws, epishs, kai opoiesdhpote alles piqanes phges ydrogonanqrakwn sth qalassia perioxh toy nhsioy``, dhlwse o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, ``apoteloyn thn kyria makroproqesmh energeiakh prooptikh ths Kyproy. ``Peraiterw``, synexise, ``h Kypros, logw ths gewgrafikhs ths qeshs, mporei na katastei ena energeiako kentro gia thn asfalh apoqhkeysh kai metafora kaysimwn``.

    Anaferomenos sthn istoria kai to rolo toy OPEK, o Proedros Papadopoylos eipe oti o Organismos aytos, ``apo thn idrysh toy prin apo 48 xronia, yphrje epityxhs sto syntonismo kai sthn enarmonish twn petrelaikwn politikwn twn xwrwn - melwn toy, oi opoies exoyn to 77% twn apodedeigmenwn petrelaikwn apoqematwn se olo ton kosmo, mesw ths staqeropoihshs ths dieqnoys petrelaikhs agoras``.

    ``Ayto me th seira toy``, eipe o Proedros, ``diasfalizei mian apotelesmatikh oikonomikh kai staqerh paroxh petrelaioy ston oloena ayjanomeno plhqysmo toy kosmoy, ena staqero eisodhma stoys paragwgoys kai mia dikaih apodosh kefalaiwn se aytoys poy ependysan sthn petrelaikh biomhxania``.

    ``O tomeas ths energeias``, eipe o k. Papadopoylos, ``apotelei ena basiko ergaleio gia thn anaptyjh ths xwras kai proteraiothta ths Kybernhshs einai na diasfalisei mia eparkh, asfalh antagwnistikh kai aeiforo energeiakh prosfora. ``Ayto``, synexise, ``epitygxanetai me th diaforopoihsh twn energeiakwn phgwn me thn prowqhsh ths diathrhshs energeias sto plaisio ths anaptyjhs twn Ananewsimwn Phgwn Energeias kai ths aeiforoy paragwghs kai xrhshs energeias``.

    ``Aytes oi proteraiothtes``, dhlwse o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, einai symfwnes me tis odhgies ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai prosferoyn staqerothta se ayton to shmantiko tomea``.

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