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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-18

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias dhlwse oti h prwth synanthsh toy me ton T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat stis 3 Septembrioy qa einai diadikastikh kai den qa ginei oysiastikh syzhthsh twn diaforwn qematwn.

    Prosqese oti gia thn e/k pleyra einai dedomeno oti h Morfoy prepei na epistrafei ypo e/k dioikhsh kai shmeiwse pws arxizei mia sobarh diadikasia kai prepei oloi, kai h e/k kai h t/k pleyra, alla kai h Toyrkia, na einai poly prosektikoi.

    Se dhlwseis sto Aerodromio Larnakas, epistrefontas apo th Kina opoy parakoloyqhse thn teleth enarjhs twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy Pekinoy, o Proedros Xristofias erwthqhke ean yparxoyn kapoies skeceis anaforika me thn epikeimenh synanthsh toy me ton T/k hgeth stis 3 Septembrioy.

    ``Ta osa skefthkame ta skefthkame prin pame sth Laikh Dhmokratia ths Kinas. Asfalws proetoimazomaste'' gia th synanthsh ths 3hs Septembrioy, eipe kai prosqese pws ``h prwth synanthsh einai perissotero diadikastikh h qa elega mia epishmh enarjh, den qa ginei oysiastikh syzhthsh twn diaforwn qematwn".

    "Antilambanomai qa ginei mia dikh moy dhlwsh, mia dhlwsh toy k. Talat kai toy k. Ntaoyner, kai qa epifylaxqoyme gia thn prwth paragwgikh synanthsh stis 11 Septembrioy, opoy qa mpoyme sthn oysia'', eipe.

    Prosqese pws ``oi prwtes synanthseis qa analwqoyn sth syzhthsh ths ptyxhs ths diakybernhshs kai apo kei kai pera qa programmatistoyme me ton k. Talat analoga kai me to pws qa pane h prwth h oi prwtes synanthseis - syzhthseis panw sth diakybernhsh''.

    Erwthqeis ean qa exei synanthsh me ton k. Talat sthn Keryneia prin tis 3 Septembrioy gia na toy eyxhqei gia ton gamo ths korhs toy, o Proedros Xristofias apanthse pws ``ayto einai dieyqethmeno" kai oti "apo ekei kai pera qa ejarthqei apo tis ypoxrewseis toy k. Talat''.

    ``Twra exei epistrecei, den jerw ti alles ypoxrewseis exei, qa epikoinwnhsoyme. Den qa einai synanthsh, alla qa einai mia filikh episkech gia na eyxhqoyme ths korhs kai toy gamproy toy, toy idioy kai ths syzygoy toy gia ton gamo'', eipe.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias rwthqhke kai gia prosfath dhlwsh toy Toyrkoy Prwqypoyrgoy Retzep Tagip Erntogan anaforika me to mellon ths Morfoy, h opoia prokalese antidraseis.

    ``Ean yphrje tetoia dhlwsh. Oyte na epibebaiwsw mporw oyte na amfisbhthsw mporw'', eipe kai prosqese pws ``oi t/k efhmerides egracan oti se synanthsh toy me ena komma eipe ayto to pragma".

    "Den eida kamia epishmh dhlwsh, oyte toy toyrkikoy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn oyte toy k. Erntogan h kanenos Toyrkoy epishmoy. Kata synepeia, gia mas einai dedomeno oti h Morfoy prepei na epistrafei ypo e/k dioikhsh, tipote perissotero, tipote ligotero sto paron gia na mhn dhmioyrghsoyme alla senaria twra'', eipe.

    Epeshmane oti ``mpainoyme se mian poly sobarh diadikasia kai prepei na eimaste para-para poly prosektikoi kai emeis kai h t/k pleyra kai h Toyrkia''.

    Erwthqeis kata poson ephreazei thn Kypro h syrrajh poy exei jespasei metajy ths Rwsias kai ths Gewrgias, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias apanthse pws ``kaqe sygkroysh ston kosmo asfalws den syndramei sth dhmioyrgia proypoqesewn epikrathshs ths pagkosmias eirhnhs prwta apo ola, kai sthn epilysh topikwn h perifereiakwn problhmatwn''.

    Prosqese pws ``den eimaste eytyxeis gia ta gegonota, alla en pash periptwsei emeis exoyme parei tis apofaseis mas, akoloyqoyme tis diadikasies mas kai qa proxwrhsoyme''.


    Oi istiodromies sto serfingk (istiosanida RSX) twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy Pekinoy janarxisan ystera apo thn polyhmerh diakoph toy programmatos logw apnoias.

    Anakoinwsh ths Kypriakhs Olympiakhs Epitrophs (KOE) anaferei oti ta nea sthn kathgoria andrwn apo ton Kyprio aqlhth Andrea Karioloy den einai ejairetika alla oyte kai asxhma.

    Opws shmeiwnei h KOE, o Kyprios prwtaqlhths, meta th diejagwgh twn istiodromiwn 6 kai 7, ypoxwrhse mia qesh sto geniko pinaka (15os apo 14os), alla einai panta se qesh bolhs apo to megalo toy stoxo, thn eisodo sthn prwth dekada kai ton teliko. Qesh thn opoia qa kynhghsei shmera, teleytaia hmera toy ``polemoy'' toy.

    H anakoinwsh ths KOE anaferei oti gia ton Karioloy to shmerino programma einai ``ola h tipota'', mias kai qa dwsei tis treis teleytaies ``maxes'' toy (logw twn anabolwn fortwqhkan treis istiodromies shmera oi aqlhtes se oles tis klaseis skafwn).


    Oi elpides gia diakrish sto aqlhma- ``basilia'' twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn, to stibo, ejanemisthkan apo ton prokrimatiko toy ycoys, otan ta 2.29m. apodeixqhkan epidosh anyperblhth gia ton Kyriako Iwannoy, poy emeine sta 2.25m. kai apokleisthke apo ton ``agwna ths zwhs'' toy, opws ton xarakthrise o idios.

    Symfwna me ton antapokrith ths Enwshs Aqlhtikografwn Kyproy (EAK) Petroy Xatzhxristodoyloy, ta 2.25m. htan anyperblhta gia ton Kyriako (xalkinos prwtaqlhths kosmoy to 2007 kai xalkinos epishs prwtaqlhths kosmoy fetos ston kleisto stibo). Se anoixto stibo fetos, o Iwannoy ekane ta 2.27m. (to atomiko toy einai 2.35m.), logw kapoiwn problhmatwn.

    O Kyprios prwtaqlhths htan fanero pws den briskotan sthn kalyterh dynath agwnistikh kai cyxologikh katastash. Sta 24 toy, exei toylaxiston dyo Olympiades akoma mprosta toy.

    O Kyriakos katafanws apogohteymenos kai pikramenos apo to prowro kai adojo telos ths deyterhs olympiakhs toy apopeiras diatypwse sobara parapona ligh wra meta to telos ths prospaqeias toy.


    Ayjhmeno kata 0,7% einai to Akaqaristo Egxwrio Proion (AEP), sthn Kypro to deytero trimhno toy 2008, se sxesh me to prwto trimhno toy idioy etoys. Ayjhsh kata 0,6% paroysiase to AEP gia thn idia periodo kai sthn Ellada.

    Symfwna me stoixeia poy edwse sth dhmosiothta h Gioyrostat, h Statistikh Yphresia ths Eyrwpaikh Enwshs, to AEP stis xwres ths Eyrwzwnhs meiwqhke kata 0,2% kai sto synolo twn 27 xwrwn melwn ths Enwshs kata 0,1%.

    H megalyterh ayjhsh katagrafhke sth Slobakia me 1,9%, Liqoyania me 1,1% kai sth Tsexia me 0,9%.

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