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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-18

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Me aisqhmata eqnikhs yperhfaneias, h Skopeytikh Omospondia Kyproy, oi filoi ths kypriakhs skopobolhs kai h oikogeneia toy aqlhth, ypodexthkan sto aerodromio Larnakas, ton prwtaqlhth toy skht Antwnh Nikolaidh, o opoios anedeixqh 4os Olympionikhs sto Pekino, thn kalyterh diakrish poy petyxe pote Kyprios aqlhths se Olympiakoys Agwnes.

    Opws anaferetai se anakoinwsh ths Skopeytikhs Omospondias Kyproy (SKOK) stis prwtes toy dhlwseis sto aerodromio, o Antwnhs Nikolaidhs ejefrase thn yperhfaneia toy gia thn anepanalhpth epityxia toy, thn opoia afierwse prwta prwta sthn oikogeneia toy, se oloys osoi ton sthrijan, kaqws kai stoys Kyprioys filaqloys oi opoioi enoiwsan kapoia xara apo thn epityxia ayth ths kypriakhs skopobolhs.

    O k. Nikolaidhs kalese oloys toys aqlhtes kai paragontes, na pistecoyn stis ikanothtes toys kai na ktisoyn panw se ayth thn epityxia.

    Anaforika me ta mellontika toy sxedia, o prwtaqlhths mas arkesthke na pei pws ``twra einai stigmes xaras kai argotera qa apofasisw kai gia to mellon moy...''

    Stis dikes toy dhlwseis o proedros ths SKOK Dhmhtrhs Lordos, eipe oti noiwqei poly perhfanos poy hgeitai ths Skopeytikhs Omospondias kai poly eytyxismenos poy oi aqlhtes ths skopobolhs mas prosferoyn synexws eytyxismenes stigmes me tis emfaniseis kai tis epityxies toys.

    Stoys xwroys toy aerodromioy, sygkentrwqhkan gia na ypodextoyn ton prwtaqlhth mas, me pano, shmaies kai loyloydia, ajiwmatoyxoi ths Skopeytikhs Omospondias Kyproy, ths Skopeytikhs Organwshs Lemesoy (sthn opoia anhkei o skopeyths), nearoi skopeytes kai filoi ths skopobolhs, kaqws kai h oikogeneia toy aqlhth, oi opoioi me tis ekdhlwseis kai tis epeyfhmies toys ekanan entonh thn paroysia toys.

    Mazi me ton prwtaqlhth mas, efqasan sto aerodromio Larnakas apo to Pekino, o proedros ths SKOK Dhmhtrhs Lordos, o Texnikos Dieyqynths ths Omospondias Petros Kyritshs kai o omospondiakos proponhths Petr Malek, kaqws kai o proedros ths KOEAS Antwnhs Drakos.


    Sth 13h qesh katetagh o Paylos Kontidhs sthn telikh katatajh twn skafwn klashs Leizer sto agwnisma ths istioploias. Me ayth th qesh o Kontidhs emeine ektos telikoy ston opoio prokriqhkan oi istioplooi poy briskontan stis 10 prwtes qeseis kai oi opoioi qa diekdikhsoyn ta metallia.

    Opws metadidei o apestalmenos ths EAK sto Pekino, Petros Xatzhxristodoyloy, sth xqesinh mera toy aqlhmatos o Kontidhs ekane toys dyo xeiroteroys termatismoys toy afoy termatise 30os sthn 8h istiodromia kai 35os sthn 9h.

    H atyxia gia ton Kontidh, xqes, htan oti mataiwqhke h 10h (teleytaia) istiodromia me apotelesma na sterhqei o Kontidhs thn eykairia na kanei allh mia prospaqeia gia eisodo sth dekada.

    H katatajh sta Leizer (9 istiodromies): Gkoyntison (Bretania) 45, Mirgkern (Soyhdia) 63, Lima (Portogalia) 65, Zmpogkar (Slobenia) 67, Romero (Italia) 69, Merntox (Nea Zhlandia) 79, Alsogarai (Argentinh) 84, Mpernaz (Gallia) 92, Royt (Norbhgia) 94, Leix (Kanadas) 95.

    Oi 10 anwterw istioplooi qa agwnistoyn shmera ston teliko, metaferontas kai toys baqmoys poy xrewqhkan apo tis ennia istiodromies genikhs katatajhs.

    Thn prwth 15ada symplhrwnoyn oi: Lisobenko (Rwsia) 97, Ratzelits (Kroatia) 101, Kontidhs (Kypros) 114, Ernanteq (Ispania) 121, Xeimwnas (Ellas) 130.


    Se mia pragmatika krisimh kai kaqoristikh periodo gia to Kypriako arxizei ayrio to Pagkosmio Synedrio Apodhmwn kai h Synedria toy Kentrikoy Symboylioy POMAK kai PSEKA, anefere se dhlwsh toy shmera sto KYPE o Proedros ths POMAK Xarhs Sofokleidhs.

    Milwntas enocei ths ayrianhs enarjhs ths Synedrias twn Kentrikwn Symboyliwn ths Pagkosmias Omospondias Apodhmwn Kypriwn (POMAK) kai ths Pagkosmias Syntonistikhs Epitrophs Kypriakoy Agwna (PSEKA) kaqws kai toy D Pagkosmioy Synedrioy Neolaias Apodhmwn Kypriwn NEPOMAK poy qa pragmatopoihqoyn sto jenodoxeio Xilton sth Leykwsia, o k. Sofokleidhs ejefrase thn elpida oti ta Hnwmena Eqnh, h EE, oi Bretanoi kai Amerikanoi qa strafoyn estw kai arga pros thn Toyrkia kai na ejaskhsoyn olh thn epirroh toys gia na afhsei ton T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat na diapragmateytei tis basikes ptyxes toy Kypriakoy, me bash toys dieqneis nomoys kai tis arxes ths EE.

    Anefere oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, ``me tis tolmhres prwtoboylies toy, apedeije kai entos kai ektos Kyproy oti pisteyei kai ergazetai gia th symfiliwsh twn E/k kai twn T/k kai epidiwkei lysh to syntomotero''.

    Anaferomenos sto rolo twn apodhmwn, o k. Sofokleidhs eipe oti ``qa symparastaqoyme kai qa enisxysoyme thn prospaqeia toy Proedroy Xristofia gia thn ejeyresh lyshs apo toys Kyprioys gia toys Kyprioys''.

    Prosqese oti ta melh toy Kentrikoy Symboylioy ths POMAK-PSEKA kai oi synedroi ths NEPOMAK qa enhmerwqoyn apo ton Proedro kai apo ton YPEJ kai yphresiakoys paragontes gia tis teleytaies ejelijeis.


    Kypriakh antiproswpeia, me epikefalhs ton Geniko Dieyqynth toy Grafeioy Programmatismoy Andrea Moleskh, anaxwrhse xqes gia tis Seyxelles gia na symmetasxei sthn Prwth Synodo ths Diakybernhtikhs Epitrophs Kyproy-Seyxellwn.

    Meta th lhjh twn ergasiwn ths Epitrophs, qa ypografei Prwtokollo poy qa kalyptei tropoys prowqhshs ths synergasias metajy twn dyo xwrwn se diaforoys tomeis.

    Kata th diarkeia ths episkechs qa ypografei kai h Symfwnia gia Synergasia stoys Tomeis ths Paideias, ths Episthmhs kai toy Politismoy.

    H Diakybernhtikh Epitroph leitoyrgei mesa sto plaisio ths Symfwnias gia Oikonomikh, Episthmonikh, Texnikh kai Biomhxanikh Synergasia poy ypografhke to 1998 metajy twn dyo xwrwn.

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