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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-23

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Thn anagkh entatikopoihshs ths diafwtistikhs prospaqeias gia to Kypriako, idiaitera enocei ths enarjhs twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn, epeshmanan oi hgesies twn omogeneiakwn organwsewn, se diaskech Typoy poy pragmatopoihsan me thn eykairia ths oloklhrwshs ths KB Synedrias toy Kentrikoy Symboylioy POMAK kai PSEKA kai toy D Pagkosmioy Synedrioy ths NEPOMAK.

    O Proedros ths Pagkosmias Syntonistikhs Epitrophs Kypriakoy Agwna (PSEKA), Filip Kristofer, o Proedros ths Pagkosmias Omospondias Apodhmwn Kypriwn (POMAK) Xarhs Sofokleidhs, kai o Proedros ths Neolaias POMAK Xristos Karaolhs eyxaristhsan thn Yphresia Apodhmwn gia th diorganwsh toy Synedrioy kai to Grafeio Typoy kai Plhroforiwn gia th bohqeia poy parexei sth diafwtistikh toys prospaqeia, alla shmeiwsan oti h diafwtistikh prospaqeia prepei na enisxyqei.

    O k. Sofokleidhs ejefrase plhrh ikanopoihsh apo thn enhmerwsh poy elaban oi apodhmoi gia tis ejelijeis sto Kypriako apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, ton Epitropo Proedrias, ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn, ton Kybernhtiko Ekproswpo, toys Proedroys twn Epitropwn Ejwterikwn kai Eyrwpaikwn Ypoqesewn ths Boylhs kai genikotera thn politikh hgesia toy topoy, shmeiwnontas oti fetos doqhke proteraiothta sto kypriako problhma, enocei ths enarjhs twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn.

    Se erwthsh anaforika me th diafwtish, o k. Sofokleidhs eipe oti kata to fetino synedrio oi organwseis twn apodhmwn elaban enqarryntika mhnymata oti einai katanohto apo thn Kybernhsh pws xreiazetai na doqei megalyterh shmasia sto ejwteriko me th diaqesh xrhmatwn kai mia arketa kalh organwsh.

    Anaferomenos sto qema poy proekyce metajy Ekklhsias kai Kybernhshs kata thn enarjh twn ergasiwn toy Synedrioy, o Proedros ths POMAK tonise oti koinh qesh twn apodhmwn einai h sthrijh ths dhmokratika eklelegmenhs Kybernhshs ths Kyproy, akoloyqwntas th qelhsh toy kypriakoy laoy.

    Apo pleyras toy o k. Kristofer shmeiwse thn anagkh entatikopoihshs ths diafwtistikhs prospaqeias, enocei ths enarjhs twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn gia to Kypriako, ekfrazontas ikanopoihsh gia th qetikh antapokrish ths Kybernhshs stis eishghseis twn apodhmwn.

    Se erwthsh ean qa epidiwjei synanthsh me ton ypochfio gia thn proedria twn HPA Mparak Ompama, o k. Kristofer eipe oti o k. Ompama hdh pareyreqhke kai milhse sto synedrio ths PSEKA sthn Oyasigkton, enw o idios qa parastei sto synedrio twn Dhmokratikwn.

    Prosqese oti qa ginoyn kai alles syzhthseis, enw oi prospaqeies kaqorismoy kapoiwn arxwn se sxesh me to Kypriako kateyqynontai kai pros to Repoymplikaniko Komma.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei ta magnhtoskophmena mhnymata apo amerikanoys politikoys poy problhqhkan kata thn enarjh twn ergasiwn ths PSEKA, o k. Kristofer eipe oti htan mia endeijh gia to pws mporoyn oi synedroi na ergastoyn, prokeimenoy na epiferoyn kapoies allages sth stash twn jenwn, wste na katanohsoyn kai na sthrijoyn tis qeseis mas.

    Ep aytoy, o k. Kristofer eipe oti kalese toys Kyprioys epixeirhmaties na symbaloyn xrhmatika stis diafwtistikes prospaqeies twn apodhmwn kai proteine th systash enos mh kybernhtikoy tameioy gia to skopo ayto, ypodeiknyontas oti prepei na akoloyqhsoyn to paradeigma toy Giwrgoy Paraskeyaidh, o opoios panta bohqoyse toys agwnes toys sto ejwteriko.

    Epeshmane, de, oti oi anqrwpoi jexnoyn kai emeis prepei na ypenqymizoyme diarkws oti to problhma ths Kyproy einai problhma eisbolhs kai katoxhs, epoikismoy kai prosfygwn.

    Stis dikes toy dhlwseis, o k. Karaolhs anaferqhke stis prospaqeies poy kataballontai apo th NEPOMAK gia thn proseggish ths deyterhs kai triths genias apodhmwn, wste na erqoyn pio konta sthn Kypro kai na symbaloyn mazi me thn POMAK kai thn PSEKA sth sthrijh twn prospaqeiwn ths Kybernhshs gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy.


    Katastrafhke posothta nwpoy galaktos kai desmeyqhkan zwotrofes poy perieixan aflatojines, symfwna me anakoinwsh toy Ypoyrgeioy Gewrgias, to opoio diabebaiwnei oti lambanontai ola ta anagkaia metra gia prostasia ths dhmosias ygeias.

    To Ypoyrgeio Gewrgias anaferei oti sto plaisio toy anabaqmismenoy programmatos elegxoy twn aflatojinwn sto gala, oi Kthniatrikes Yphresies se synergasia me ton Organismo Kypriakhs Galaktokomikhs Biomhxanias, diapistwsan thn paroysia aflatojinhs M1 peran twn epitreptwn oriwn se treis kthnotrofikes monades.

    Prosqetei oti eyqys amesws oi Kthniatrikes Yphresies proxwrhsan sthn katasxesh kai katastrofh twn nwpoy galaktos.


    O Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Antwnhs Pasxalidhs apofasise oti den apaiteitai sto paron stadio ekdosh diatagmatos me to opoio na kaqorizontai anwtates times lianikhs pwlhshs gia ola h merika apo ta petrelaioeidh.

    Se dhlwseis toy, o Ypoyrgos anefere oti basise thn apofash toy ayth stis eishghseis kai ta symperasmata sta opoia katelhje h armodia Symboyleytikh Epitroph Parakoloyqhshs Petrelaioeidwn, poy xqes synedriase gia na melethsei tis dieqneis kai tis lianikes times kaysimwn sthn Kypro.

    Anakoinwse epishs thn apofash toy na kalesei poly syntoma tis etaireies petrelaioeidwn kai oloys toys emplekomenoys gia na breqei mia koinh diadikasia poy qa akoloyqeitai pista toso sthn anodo oso kai sthn kaqodo twn timwn.


    Telesthke apo ton Iero Nao Kwnstantinoy kai Elenhs,sth Leykwsia, dhmosia dapanh, h khdeia toy moysikosynqeth kai dhmioyrgoy toy entexnoy kypriakoy laikoy tragoydioy, Axillea Lympoyridh, o opoios apebiwse thn Tetarth se hlikia 91 etwn.

    To ystato xaire ston eklipwn Axillea Lympoyridh eipan stenoi syggeneis, filoi, anqrwpoi twn grammatwn kai twn texnwn kai ektimhtes toy ergoy toy Kyprioy moysikosynqeth. Thn kypriakh politeia ekproswphse sthn khdeia o Ypoyrgos Paideias kai Politismoy, Andreas Dhmhtrioy.

    Ston epikhdeio toy logo, o Ypoyrgos Paideias kai Politismoy Andreas Dhmhtrioy eipe oti ``me megalh qlich kai bary penqos apoxairetoyme shmera ton patera toy neoteroy kypriakoy tragoydioy, spoydaio synqeth, moysiko, dhmosiografo kai qeatriko dhmioyrgo Axillea Lympoyridh. H kypriakh laikh moysikh paradosh qrhnei to qanato toy kyrioteroy sygxronoy trofodoth ths'', shmeiwse.

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