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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-24

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Me eylabeia ekline to gony o Arxiepiskopos Kyproy Xrysostomos enwpion toy septoy kai afqartoy leicanoy toy Qaymatoyrgoy Agioy Dionysioy, polioyxoy ths Zakynqoy, apo ton opoio, opws tonise se omilia toy, zhthse th bohqeia toy gia na odhghsoyn oi epikeimenes synomilies metajy toy proedroy ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai toy Toyrkokyprioy hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat se biwsimh kai leitoyrgikh lysh toy kypriakoy poy qa epanenwsei thn Kypro kai to lao ths.

    `` Parakaloyme ton pneymatoforo patera Dionysio, ton agio ths agaphs kai ths sygnwmhs, na fwtisei toys isxyroys ths ghs na aponeimoyn dikaiosynh ston deina dokimazomeno lao ths Kyproy``, anefere o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos, milwntas ston katamesto nao toy polioyxoy ths Zakynqoy sto telos toy panhgyrikoy esperinoy ths eorths toy.

    O Kyproy Xrysostomos kataggeile oti h Eyrwph kai oi HPA ``paramenoyn analghtes apenanti sthn katapathsh twn anqrwpinwn dikaiwmatwn toy Kypriakoy laoy, sth synexizomenh toyrkikh katoxh kai sthn katastrofh twn Orqodojwn ekklhsiastikwn mnhmeiwn sto boreio tmhma toy nhsioy''.

    Anaferomenos sth stash ths Bretanias sto Kypriako, o Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos eipe oti qelei mia ``mesobezikh`` lysh. Kata ton Arxiepiskopo Kyproy, h Bretania synexizei kai shmera thn politikh toy ``diairei kai basileye`` gia na diasfalisei tis stratiwtikes baseis ths sthn Kypro.

    O Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos katadikase tis dhlwseis toy Toyrkoy prwqypoyrgoy Tagip Erntogan gia lysh sthn Kypro sth bash dyo kratwn.

    Anaferomenos sth morfh lyshs toy kypriakoy epeshmane oti den mporei na onomazetai omospondia, alla sthn oysia na einai synomospondia. ``Den noeitai se ena nhsi na yparxoyn dyo krath``, anefere xarakthristika kai shmeiwse oti h lysh qa prepei na pronoei gia mia isxyrh kentrikh kybernhsh.

    O Arxiepiskopos Xrysostomos ejhghse oti h Ekklhsia ths Kyproy dexthke th lysh ths dizwnikhs, dikoinotikhs omospondias gia na mhn dixasei to lao kai tonise oti den mporei na ginei allh ypoxwrhsh.

    Epishs, anefere oti oloklhrwnetai syntoma h proetoimasia gia thn prosfygh ths Ekklhsias ths Kyproy kata ths Toyrkias sto Eyrwpaiko Dikasthrio Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn kai kataggeile ton toyrkiko strato gia thn ekdiwjh prin merikes bdomades toy Mhtropolith Tamasoy Hsaia apo th Monh toy Apostoloy Barnaba, enw teloyse th Qeia Leitoyrgia.

    Ejalloy, o Mhtropoliths Zakynqoy Xrysostomos, prosfwnwntas ton Arxiepiskopo Kyproy, ton xarakthrise ``agwnisth ths Orqodojoy pistews kai twn dikaiwn toy eyseboys hmwn Genoys``.

    Me fwnh poy epale apo sygkinhsh kai matia boyrkwmena o Mhtropoliths Zakynqoy katelhje:

    ``Eyxomeqa kai proseyxomeqa, zwntes ws Xristianoi thn xara ths toy Xristo Anastasews, na zhsoyme kai ws Ellhnes th Lamprh ths Kyproy mas. Tote eleyqeroi Kai dikaiwmenoi qa epistrecoyme oloi sta sklabwmena edafh kai qa ymnhsoyme en plhqoysais ekklhsies ton en Triadi Qeon``.


    Me ikanopoihsh egine dekth apo thn hgesia ths Ellhnoamerikanikhs Koinothtas kai idiws toys paragontes poy asxoloyntai sthn Oyasigkton me thn prowqhsh twn ellhnikwn eqnikwn qematwn, h apofash toy proedrikoy ypochfioy toy Dhmokratikoy Kommatos, Mparak Ompama, na epilejei ton proedro ths epitrophs ejwterikwn ypoqesewn ths Geroysias, Tzo Mpainten, ypochfio antiproedro twn HPA.

    Oi paragontes toy lompi mas sthn amerikanikh prwteyoysa qewroyn thn epilogh Mpainten ``oti kalytero qa mporoyse na elpizei h Ellada ki h Kypros'', kaqws sta 35 xronia poy brisketai sth Geroysia lambanei systhmatika filellhnikes qeseis kai exei jekaqares apoceis gia to ti xreiazetai na ginei sto kypriako, alla kai sto qema twn Skopiwn.


    Me epityxia stefqhke h prospaqeia twn 44 aktibistwn apo diafores xwres toy kosmoy na ``spasoyn'' symbolika to naytiko apokleismo ths Lwridas ths Gazas poy exei epiblhqei sthn perioxh apo to Israhl.

    Ta dyo, ypo ellhnikh shmaia, jylina skafh, me ta opoia anaxwrhsan oi aktibistes to prwi ths Paraskeyhs apo to limani ths Larnakas, eftasan sto limani ths Gazas meta apo arketes dyskolies kai empodia.

    Symfwna me thn istoselida ths Kinhshs gia thn Apeleyqerwsh ths Gazas , ektos apo tis asxhmes kairikes synqhkes kai tis paremboles sta systhmata epikoinwnias poy diaqetoyn, to tajidi pragmatopoihqhke en mesw apeilwn ths israhlinhs kybernhshs oti qa askoyse bia gia na toys stamathsei


    H Kina dikaioytai na yperhfaneyetai oti petyxe ton stoxo ths se sxesh me toys Olympiakoys Agwnes.

    Opws metadidei apo to Pekino o apestalmenos ths EAK Petros Xatzhxristodoyloy, epi efta xronia, apo to 2001, poy anateqhke apo thn DOE sthn Kina h diorganwsh twn 29wn Olympiakwn Agwnwn, h xwra zoyse me ena oneiro, na diorganwsei artioys Agwnes kai apo kaqara aqlhtikh skopia, na kyriarxhsoyn oi Kinezoi aqlhtes sth diorganwsh.

    H Kina genikws kai to Pekino eidikws, dikaioyntai na yperhfaneyontai oti petyxan apolyta to megalo stoxo toys, afoy ekanan spoydaioys Agwnes kai taytoxronws, h kinezikh olympiakh omada qriambeyse, kataktwntas aneta thn prwth qesh ston pinaka twn metalliwn.

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