European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 00-10-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
[01] Message de António Vitorino en réaction aux récents actes de violence
en Espagne
[02] Commission clears acquisition of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) by
Credit Suisse
[03] Commission authorises DaimlerChrylser's acquisition of Detroit Diesel
[04] Fusions approuvées selon la procédure simplifiée
[05] Rapport 2000 sur l'état des forêts en Europe
[06] July 2000 industrial production up 0.5% in euro-zone and in EU15
[07] WTO Franz Fischler meets the Cairns Group : "Laying out the case for
the EU model of agriculture"
[08] Play the game Reaching for democracy in sports
[01] Message de António Vitorino en réaction aux récents actes de violence
en Espagne
Le Commissaire européen à la Justice et aux Affaires intérieures, António
Vitorino, a fait hier la déclaration suivante : "La Commission européenne
constate avec consternation la continuation des actes de violence en
Espagne. Elle condamne fermement tous les actes terroristes commis dans
l'Union européenne. Ces attentats violent les principes fondamentaux de
l'UE que sont le respect de la vie humaine, la tolérance, la démocratie et
les droits de l'homme. Le terrorisme est en effet l'un des défis les plus
redoutables qui se posent à nos sociétés. Il est intolérable par la
violence aveugle qui le caractérise et qui frappe la population. Ces
attentats choquent et attristent l'ensemble des citoyens européens, qui ne
cessent d'exprimer leur volonté de partager un avenir pacifique. Je réitère
l'engagement de la Commission de favoriser par tous les moyens que lui
accordent les Traités le renforcement d'une action européenne contre le
terrorisme, où qu'il frappe en Europe. Dans des sociétés démocratiques
comme les nôtres, le terrorisme ne peut s'abriter derrière aucune
justification prétendument politique. L'Europe est un espace de liberté et
de justice que nous tous souhaitons consolider."
[02] Commission clears acquisition of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) by
Credit Suisse
The European Commission has authorised today the acquisition of DLJ, the US
investment bank, by Credit Suisse, Switzerland's second-biggest bank. The
DLJ acquisition will create a global investment bank in the top five for
mergers and acquisitions by combining DLJ's strong US position with Credit
Suisse First Boston, the group's investment bank. The Commission gave its
green light to the transaction as it will raise no competition concerns.
[03] Commission authorises DaimlerChrylser's acquisition of Detroit Diesel
The European Commission has approved an operation by which US-German
carmaker DaimlerChrysler acquires sole control of US-based company Detroit
Diesel. The companies' activities overlap in the manufacture of diesel
engines, but their combined share of the European market causes no
competition concerns.
[04] Fusions approuvées selon la procédure simplifiée
Atos / Origin
Thyssen Krupp Werkstoffe / Röhm
[05] Rapport 2000 sur l'état des forêts en Europe
La Commission européenne et la Commission économique pour l'Europe des
Nations Unies (NU/CEE) ont publié leur rapport annuel sur l'état des forêts
en Europe avec les résultats de l'évaluation concernant l'état des
couronnes et du programme de surveillance intensive des forêts européennes.
Ce rapport fournit des informations importantes pour les décideurs
politiques et le public sur la situation des forêts européennes. Il en
ressort qu'il n'y a aucune amélioration générale de la vitalité des forêts
et qu'il existe d'importantes différences de développement de la situation
selon les régions. Il importe de réduire encore le niveau d'émissions, afin
de sauvegarder les multiples fonctions des forêts européennes et assurer à
ces dernières une gestion écologiquement viable.
[06] July 2000 industrial production up 0.5% in euro-zone and in EU15
(! embargo 12 am !) Seasonally adjusted industrial production increased by
0.5% in the euro-zone in July compared to June, Eurostat estimates today.
Production in the EU15 also rose by 0.5% in July, after a fall of 1.1% in
June and an increase of 1.1% in May. After a fall in June, output increased
again in Luxembourg (5.2%), Germany (2.0%), and Finland (0.1%). It
continued to rise in Belgium (2.0%) and in Portugal (1.8%). Production
slowed down in the Netherlands (-0.5%) and in the UK (-0.1%). For the
second month in a row the index fell in Italy (-0.8%), Greece (-0.6%) and
in Spain (-0.3%). Compared with July 1999, output in July 2000 increased by
5.1% in the euro-zone and by 4.3% in the EU15. Durable consumer goods and
capital goods increased the most with growth rates of 8.2% and 7.7%
respectively in the euro-zone and 7.2% for both sectors in the EU15.
Intermediate goods production was 4.5% higher in the euro-zone and 4.1% in
the EU15. Non-durable consumer goods increased by 1.6% in the euro-zone and
by 0.4% in the EU15.
[07] WTO Franz Fischler meets the Cairns Group : "Laying out the case for
the EU model of agriculture"
As the first European Commissioner for Agriculture, on October 10-12, Franz
Fischler will attend a meeting of the Cairns Group. The 18-member Cairns
Group of agricultural exporting nations includes Argentina, Australia,
Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Fiji, Guatemala,
Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, the Philippines, Thailand,
South Africa, and Uruguay. At this meeting in Banff, Canada, Mr Fischler
will discuss with Cairns Group Ministers the perspectives on the WTO
negotiations on agriculture which began in March.
[08] Play the game Reaching for democracy in sports
The second world conference for media professionals in a globalised sports
society will be held in Copenhagen, November 12th-16th 2000. "Play the
game" is organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ),
the International Sports and Culture Association (ISCA) and the Sports
Intelligence Unit (SIU) who share a common concern : to promote democracy
and transparency in a still more commercialised sports and sports media
world. More than 30 top quality speakers will be present and Journalists
from more than 40 countries will participate. The conference is open to
media professionals and university researchers. The main themes are : sport
and money ; doping ; sport and national identity. Details are available at
the following internet site : http://www.play-the-game.org or with
coordinator Jens Sejer Andersen, Editor-in-Chief, Danish Gymnastics and
Sports Associations, e-mail: siu@dgi.dk
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