European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-07-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 27/07/2001
[01] La Commission autorise la création d'une entreprise commune entre
Accenture et Lagardère
La Commission européenne a autorisé la création d'une entreprise commune
entre les entreprises françaises Accenture et Lagardère dans le domaine de
la télévision interactive. L'entreprise commune, StudioCo, sera spécialisée
dans les services de conseil et développement pour les éditeurs de
programmes de télévision interactive, en France dans un premier temps.
[02] Commission clears the retail joint venture Coop Norden
The European Commission has approved the joint venture Coop Norden to be
established between three co-operative societies in Sweden, Denmark and
Norway. The three co-operatives will combine their business activities with
regard to procurement, wholesale and retail of daily consumer goods. The
Commission has authorised the transaction as it does not raise any
competition problems.
[03] Fonds structurels : la Commission approuve une aide de 106 millions
d'euros pour la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (Belgique)
La Commission européenne a adopté un programme de soutien destiné à la
région de Bruxelles-Capitale. Relevant de "l'objectif 2" des fonds
structurels (aide aux régions en reconversion économique et sociale), ce
programme permettra à la région de bénéficier d'un concours communautaire
de 43,930 millions d'euros pour la période 2000-2006. Au total,
l'intervention des crédits communautaires conduira à mobiliser plus de 106
millions d'euros dont 57,496 millions en provenance des autorités publiques
de l'Etat membre et 4,465 millions en provenance du secteur privé. Ce
nouveau programme devrait permettre la création de 350 emplois et 45
entreprises. Il contribuera également à la revitalisation économique des
quartiers et à la mise en place d'un cadre pour le développement urbain
[04] Droit d'accises : la Commission propose d'autoriser l'application d'un
taux d'accise réduit aux boissons spiritueuses produites et consommées à
Madère et aux Açores
La Commission européenne a soumis au Conseil des Ministres de l'Union
européenne une proposition de décision autorisant le Portugal à appliquer
une réduction du taux d'accise dans la région autonome de Madère au rhum et
aux liqueurs qui y sont produits et consommés, ainsi que dans la région
autonome des Açores, aux liqueurs et eaux-de-vie qui y sont produites et
consommées. Le taux réduit proposé ne peut être inférieur de plus de 75% au
taux d'accise national sur l'alcool (lequel est actuellement fixé à 836,04
euros par hectolitre d'alcool pur). Cette proposition est limitée à une
période de sept ans s'étendant du 1er janvier 2002 au 31 décembre 2008. Au
plus tard le 31 décembre 2005, le Portugal doit transmettre à la Commission
un rapport permettant à celle-ci d'évaluer la persistance des raisons ayant
justifié l'octroi du taux réduit
[05] Examen des demandes d'asile dans l'UE ("Dublin II")
La Commission européenne a adopté hier une proposition de Règlement du
Conseil établissant les critères et mécanismes de détermination de l'Etat
membre responsable de l'examen d'une demande d'asile présentée dans l'un
des Etats membres.
[06] Euro-zone external trade surplus euro 1.7 billion in May 2001 ; euro
6.3 billion deficit for EU 15
(! embargo 12 am !) According to first estimates by Eurostat, euro-zone
trade with the rest of the world in May 2001 had a euro 1.7 billion surplus,
compared with +1.0 billion in May 2000. Euro-zone trade recorded a deficit
of 2.9 billion for the first five months of 2001, compared with -0.7
billion in 2000. The first estimate for May 2001 extra-EU15 trade was a
euro 6.3 billion deficit, compared with -6.7 billion in May 2000. There was
a deficit estimated at 40.6 billion in the first five months of 2001
compared with -39.4 billion in 2000. For the first time this month,
Eurostat is also publishing seasonally adjusted series in annex to this
release. These series have been calculated using one harmonised methodology
for all Member States. The availability of seasonally adjusted series is an
important improvement in the analysis of the external trade of the EU and
euro-zone as they give a complementary view of the monthly evolution of
[07] Commission proposes a revised approach towards the evaluation of
pesticides safety
The European Commission has identified in a new report the need for a fresh
approach towards the evaluation of the safety of active substances in plant
protection products. This is called for in the light of the experience and
progress over the past ten years in the evaluation of existing substances
authorised for use by the Member States. The existing mechanisms and lack
of resources in both the Member States and the Commission have slowed
progress. The Commission is of the view that improved procedures and
increased resources are necessary if the goal of evaluation at the
Community level of existing and new active substances is to be achieved
within a reasonable time period. This is in turn necessary to provide
improved safeguards that plant protection products, including pesticides,
can be used in a manner which is safe for the environment and human health.
[08] Commission publishes results of Pesticide Monitoring Programme 1999
The Food and Veterinary Office of the European Commission has published the
results of the 1999 pesticide residue monitoring programme. The report
highlights the results of the analysis of pesticide residues in 40,000
samples of fruits, vegetables and cereals. Each test is capable of
detecting up to 100 or more pesticides, indicating that an estimated 4
million individual determinations were carried out. The results on these
tests provide conflicting messages. The good news is that 64% of the
samples contained no detectable pesticide residues and that in a further
32% the levels found were below the relevant MRLs (maximum residue limits).
This, however, must be contrasted with the remaining 4% of samples where
MRLs were exceeded a significant increase on previous levels.
[09] Free movement of goods : Commission pursues infringement proceedings
against Italy and Greece
The European Commission has decided to refer Italy to the European Union's
Court of Justice for barriers to imports from other Member States of energy
drinks and maritime equipment. The Commission has also decided to send
formal requests to Italy and Greece that they remove barriers to imports of
special nutritional products for people practising sports and food
supplements respectively. In all four cases, the Commission considers that
these import barriers constitute unjustified restrictions on the free
movement of goods, in violation of EC Treaty rules (Article 28). The formal
requests to Italy and Greece take the form of so-called 'reasoned opinions',
the second stage of infringement proceedings under Article 226 of the EC
Treaty. In the absence of satisfactory replies from Italy and Greece within
the two months following receipt of the reasoned opinions, the Commission
may decide to refer the cases to the European Court of Justice.
[10] Libre circulation des marchandises : la Belgique facilite les
importations parallèles de médicaments
La Commission européenne a décidé de classer une procédure d'infraction
contre la Belgique pour violation des règles du Traité CE sur la libre
circulation des marchandises (Article 28). Le gouvernement belge a adopté
une nouvelle réglementation concernant les produits pharmaceutiques à usage
humain parce qu'il a accepté le point de vue de la Commission selon lequel
sa réglementation précédente entravait les importations parallèles de ces
[11] Financial services : UK to be referred to Court over investor
compensation Directive
The European Commission has decided to refer the United Kingdom to the
European Court of Justice for failure to implement the Directive on
investor compensation schemes within the territory of Gibraltar.
[12] FYROM : Chris Patten welcomes latest agreement and insists that
civilians be allowed to return immediately to their homes
European Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten issued the
following statement : "The European Commission welcomes the cease-fire and
the return agreement brokered by NATO and by the EU in the context of Lord
Robertson and Dr Solana's mission to Skopje on 26 July. We earnestly hope
that those who have been forced to leave their homes since the beginning of
the conflict in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will now be
allowed to return promptly and to resume their normal lives. Actions to
expel civilians forcibly from their homes are completely unacceptable. The
cease-fire must be respected to allow people to return to their homes
without fear of violence or intimidation. The European Commission is
preparing a comprehensive reconstruction and confidence-building programme
in the country for implementation as soon as a political agreement is
reached and areas become accessible on the ground."
[13] EU grants Ukraine euro 20 million for production of electricity
following the closure of Chernobyl
The European Commission committed a further euro 20 million today to supply
Ukrainian power plants with additional fuel allowing them to increase
electricity production during the coming winter. With this grant, the funds
provided by the European Union towards meeting Ukraine's electricity demand
since the closure of Chernobyl, amount to euro 45 million.
[14] Humanitarian response to the flooding in Orissa (India)
The European Commission has reacted speedily to the news of the devastating
floods in the Indian state of Orissa. As soon as the scale of the crisis
became known, the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) contacted partner NGOs
working in the stricken area with a view to supporting their efforts to
deliver relief to the affected population.
[15] Commission assists to promote women's participation in Jordan's
parliamentary elections
The European Commission has decided to contribute euro 630.514 to finance a
politically important project in Jordan, in the context of the forthcoming
parliamentary elections set for November this year. Entitled "Women in
Parliament" the project aims at promoting the participation of women in the
decision-making process, and in particular the participation of women in
parliament. This project is part of a wider EU effort in the Mediterranean
region to protect and promote human rights and democratic principles. The
project maintains political neutrality and will support active and
potential female candidates from all political parties. Its twin goals
consist of (a) increasing the chances of women to be elected to parliament
through raising the understanding of university students on the role of
women in the democratic process and (b) promoting the status of Jordanian
women and their chances to succeed in the elections. Activities include
awareness raising among voters, advocacy with decision-makers, training of
candidates and their campaign teams, the production of educational material,
and conducting national media campaigns. The project is led and managed by
the British Council and sound partnerships have been developed with local
[16] Autre matériel diffusé
Déclaration du Commissaire Vitorino à l'occasion du 50ème anniversaire de
la Convention de Genève
Discours de M. Lamy : "La gouvernance ou comment donner sens à la
globalisation" au Séminaire de l'Escurial (Madrid)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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