European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-11-25
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Romano Prodi congratulates Wolfgang Schüssel
[02] Transport routier : la Commission rappelle les initiatives prises par
l'UE et déclenche le mécanisme d'intervention rapide
[03] Chris Patten speech to UK Conference on Organised Crime
[04] First EU-Mexico Civil Society Forum (26/11)
[05] Pascal Lamy : "Trade policy, the Convention and external relations :
some lessons to be learnt"
[06] Poul Nielson en visite au Burkina Faso, au Ghana et au Mali (26/11-
[07] Pascal Lamy travels to South-East Africa to inject dynamism into on-
going trade negotiations
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 25/11/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 25/11/2002
[01] Romano Prodi congratulates Wolfgang Schüssel
The President of the European Commission Romano Prodi yesterday reacted to
the Austrian elections : "Indications I have seen so far suggest that
Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel's party has emerged as the victor in the
Austrian elections. I have personally congratulated him on his and his
party's success and look forward to working closely on European affairs
with the next Austrian government."
[02] Transport routier : la Commission rappelle les initiatives prises par
l'UE et déclenche le mécanisme d'intervention rapide
Alors que des mouvements sociaux devraient avoir lieu en France, la
Commission européenne insiste sur la grande importance de rapprocher les
législations dans un espace européen unifié. L'ouverture du marché européen
a largement favorisé le transport routier. Il est cependant nécessaire de
garantir des conditions équitables de concurrence. A cet effet, depuis
plusieurs années, la Commission a fait de nombreuses propositions en faveur
d'un transport routier concurrentiel et respectueux des travailleurs. "Les
troubles qui agitent les routiers aujourd'hui en France nous rappellent
l'urgence et la pertinence d'appliquer effectivement les règles communes
déjà adoptées fin d'assainir la concurrence et de rétablir des bonnes
conditions de travail pour tous les conducteurs professionnels. En outre,
les propositions présentées par la Commission doivent être traitées dans
les meilleurs délais par le Conseil des Ministres", a déclaré Loyola de
Palacio, Vice-Présidente en charge des Transports et de l'Energie.
[03] Chris Patten speech to UK Conference on Organised Crime
Upon the invitation of the British Foreign Secretary and the Home Secretary,
European Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten today spoke at
the UK Conference on Organised Crime in London. In his speech, the
Commissioner underlined the importance he attaches to the burning issue of
organised crime and corruption. Getting to grips with this is essential for
the economic, political and social development of the Balkan region and
should become a prerequisite for its integration into the EU.
[04] First EU-Mexico Civil Society Forum (26/11)
On 26th November over 200 participants representing governmental and non-
governmental organizations will meet in Brussels to exchange points of view
on the implementation of the Economic Partnership, Political Coordination
and Cooperation Agreement between EU and Mexixo. This agreement came into
force on 1 October 2000. Two years later, this meeting with civil society
from both sides aims at strengthening it's participation in all aspects of
relations between the European Union and Mexico.
[05] Pascal Lamy : "Trade policy, the Convention and external relations :
some lessons to be learnt"
Speaking at the European Policy Centre meeting on 22 November, European
Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said : "The lesson is clear : I see no
reasons why the experience gained in an area like trade policy should not -
mutatis mutandis as lawyers say - apply to the entire field of external
relations. We need to reinforce the three functions of decision-making in
foreign policy : policy-making, ability to defend the EU position and
implementation of the common decisions. The Convention debate has not gone
far enough yet. First, the general institutional set up, the question of
who should represent the EU and what type of hat he should wear (a panama
or a sombrero?), should not detract us from these issues. The benchmark to
assess the results of the Convention should be efficiency, legitimacy and
credibility : no new administration and clear division of responsibility,
accountability and political control, clearer competences and coherence in
policy tools. Legitimacy in foreign policy is as important as in internal
policies. It has to do both with accountability and output. In tomorrow's
world, that will become increasingly true. Second, our priorities : provide
our external economic relations with the instruments they currently lack ;
put an end to the current cacophony and entrust a single EU representative
to represent and bind the EU in international instances. It is not enough
to speak with one voice, we have to speak with one mouth."
[06] Poul Nielson en visite au Burkina Faso, au Ghana et au Mali (26/11-
M. Poul Nielson, Commissaire européen chargé de la Coopération au
développement et de l'Aide humanitaire, se rend en visite officielle dans
ces trois pays de l'Afrique de l'Ouest du 26 novembre au 5 décembre 2002.
Au cours de cette mission, la première de M. Nielson en tant que
Commissaire dans ces pays, des entretiens bilatéraux avec les plus hautes
instances sont prévus ainsi que la visite à des programmes communautaires.
M. Nielson assistera également, dans le cadre du dialogue Europe-Afrique, à
la conférence ministérielle qui se tiendra à Ouagadougou le 28 novembre
2002 (voir MEMO/02/260 du 21/11). Au cours de sa visite au Burkina Faso, le
Commissaire procédera avec les autorités burkinabé à l'examen de la
situation de la coopération communautaire avec ce pays, dont la mise en
œuvre au titre du 9ème Fonds européen de développement (FED) a débuté.
Outre les rencontres officielles et des visites de projet, au Ghana, il
procédera à la signature d'une convention de financement de €40 millions
pour un projet d'appui au secteur minier. Au Mali, il fera le point sur la
coopération UE-Mali et la programmation du 9ème FED.
[07] Pascal Lamy travels to South-East Africa to inject dynamism into on-
going trade negotiations
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy will visit Zambia, Mozambique and
South Africa between 25 November and 1 December. Purpose of the visit is to
strengthen the trade relations with these countries in the context of the
renewed EU strategy for Africa-Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACPs). His
visit to Zambia will provide an opportunity to attend a ministerial meeting
of COMESA, the regional grouping of Eastern and Southern African countries.
Mr Lamy will meet President Patrick Mwanawasa and Health Minister Bryan
Chituwo. In Mozambique Mr Lamy will meet President Joaquim Chissano and
will explore with Prime Minister Pascoal Mocumbi and Minister for trade
Carlos Morgado ways in which trade can contribute to the development of
this country, in particular in the field of access to medicines. In South
Africa, Mr Lamy will meet with trade Ministers from the Southern African
region (SADC), hosted by South African Trade Minister Erwin, to discuss the
prospects of regional integration in the area. Mr Lamy will also have an
opportunity to discuss with non-governmental organisations and business
current EU actions to ensure access to essential medicines for developing
countries. On the eve of his departure Mr Lamy said : "My visit to these
countries offers a very valuable opportunity to give impetus to our on-
going trade negotiation with ACP regions, helping these countries better
integrate into the world trading system. I will also be sharing with my
counterparts and with civil society efforts needed to ensure access to
medicines for poor countries, an issue which figures high on the EU agenda.
I look forward to cementing links with these countries over the next days."
[08] Autre matériel diffusé
Note on the Competitiveness Council (26/11)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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