European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-01-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission autorise la reprise d'une partie des actifs éditoriaux
d'Editis (ex-VUP) par Lagardère
[02] Commission assesses updated stability programme of Finland (2003-2007)
[03] Commission assesses updated stability programme of Austria (2003-2007)
[04] Commission assesses the 2003 update of the Swedish convergence
programme (2003-2006)
[05] Commission assesses the updated Danish Convergence Programme (2003-
[06] Free movement of capital : Commission calls on United Kingdom to apply
Court of Justice ruling
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[07] Europass : un nouvel instrument pour mieux faire valoir ses
qualifications et compétences dans l'Europe élargie
[08] Commission encourages international solidarity when utilizing exotic
[09] Abus du marché : la Commission adopte les premières mesures
[10] December 2003 : small setback in economic sentiment at end of the year
[11] December 2003 : The euro area business climate indicator remained
almost stable
[12] Recouvrement des créances fiscales : procédures d'infraction contre
l'Autriche et l'Italie
[13] Commission requests Germany to end discrimination concerning housing
grants and tax deductions
[14] Promoting core labour standards : Commission grants additional tariff
preferences to Sri Lanka and initiates an inquiry into labour rights
violations in Belarus
[15] Commission welcomes the successful outcome of the SAARC Summit and the
important steps forward in India-Pakistan relations
Midday Express 07/01/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 07/01/2004[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] La Commission autorise la reprise d'une partie des actifs éditoriaux
d'Editis (ex-VUP) par Lagardère
La Commission européenne a autorisé la reprise d'une partie des actifs
éditoriaux d'Editis (anciennement dénommé Vivendi Universal Publishing ou
VUP) par le groupe français Lagardère. Telle qu'initialement notifiée, la
reprise de la totalité d'Editis aurait conduit à la création ou au
renforcement de positions dominantes sur de nombreux marchés constituant la
chaîne du livre francophone tels que les droits d'édition, les services de
diffusion et de distribution ainsi que la vente de livres aux revendeurs et
par les grossistes. La décision de Lagardère de ne conserver qu'un nombre
limité des actifs d'Editis a permis d'éliminer ces griefs.
[02] Commission assesses updated stability programme of Finland (2003-2007)
The European Commission has addressed a recommendation to the Council on
the updated stability programme of Finland, which was presented on 27
November 2003 and covers the period 2003-2007. This is in accordance with
the Council Regulation on the strengthening of the surveillance of
budgetary positions and the surveillance and coordination of economic
policies. Finland's stability programme update estimates the general
government surplus in 2003 at 2.3% of GDP and projects surpluses of above
2% of GDP for the remainder of the programme period, apart from 1.7% in
2004. This is based on the assumption of output growth decelerating from
2.2% in 2002 to an estimated 1.4% in 2003, and reaching a rate of close to
its trend of some 2½ % towards the end of the programme period, which
appears plausible. The sound budgetary position projected in the updated
programme is welcome, but also necessary given the prospect of an
exceptionally strong impact on public finances of population ageing in
Finland. Structural reforms, notably of the pension system, should
significantly improve the sustainability of public finances. The Commission
concludes that the comfortable budgetary position should provide a
sufficient safety margin against a breach of the 3% of GDP reference value.
The economic and budgetary policies presented in the updated programme are
also broadly consistent with the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines. On the
basis of the Commission recommendation, the Council is expected to adopt a
formal opinion on the updated Finnish stability programme on [20 January].
[03] Commission assesses updated stability programme of Austria (2003-2007)
The European Commission has adopted a recommendation to the Council on the
updated stability programme of Austria, which was presented on 18 November
2003 and covers the period 2003-2007. This is in accordance with the
Council Regulation on the strengthening of the surveillance of budgetary
positions and the surveillance and coordination of economic policies. The
programme projects output growth to accelerate from 0.9% in 2003 to some
2.5% as from 2005, resulting in an annual average growth rate of 2.0% over
the period 2003-2007, which appears plausible. The general government
budgetary position weakened markedly in 2003 from close to balance to a
projected deficit of 1.0% of GDP or above. The slowdown in growth accounted
only for a fraction of this deficit increase, which was mainly caused by
discretionary measures. For the years to come, the updated programme
foresees deficits over the entire programme period, which in three out of
five years are set to exceed 1% of GDP. In particular, the deficit is set
to widen markedly in 2005 due to a major tax relief to be covered only
partly by accompanying expenditure restraint. After the upward revision of
figures for 2001 and 2002, the debt-to-GDP-ratio is now expected to fall
below the 60% reference value only by 2007. On the basis of the
Commission's recommendation, the Council is expected to adopt a formal
opinion on the updated Austrian stability programme on [20 January].
[04] Commission assesses the 2003 update of the Swedish convergence
programme (2003-2006)
The European Commission has adopted a recommendation to the Council on the
2003 update of the Swedish convergence programme, which was presented on 1
December 2003 and covers the period 2003-2006. The Commission concludes
that the information contained in the update is broadly in line with the
"code of conduct on the content and format of stability and convergence
programmes". The strategy for economic policies outlined in the programme
is broadly consistent with the Broad Economic Policy Guidelines. In the
update, GDP growth is forecast to be 1.4% in 2003, 2.0% in 2004, 2.6% in
2005 and 2.5% in 2006. The Commission's autumn 2003 forecast is in line
with these projections. The considerable fiscal stimulus in 2002 and the
prolonged period of relatively subdued economic growth continues to weigh
on government finances. Nevertheless, the cyclically-adjusted fiscal
position is expected to remain sound and to strengthen gradually, although
remaining lower than the Swedish 2% of GDP target in each year to 2005,
according to both the Commission's analysis and the estimates in the 2003
update. Expenditure control therefore remains important in this respect,
not least by ensuring adherence to the expenditure ceiling in 2004 and the
expenditure plans in 2005 and 2006. Continued fiscal consolidation is also
justified in order to achieve long-term sustainability of public finances
in the light of ageing populations. The gross debt ratio below 60% of GDP
since 2000 - is projected to continue to decline and reach 48.3% of GDP in
2006 and the low net debt ratio is expected to turn into a net claim in
2006. Inflation in Sweden has come down recently, after having been
relatively high due to temporary factors in the beginning of 2003. Over the
past year, developments in Swedish bond yields have been in line with
trends in international bond markets. The 2003 update states that entering
ERM II is not under consideration. Compared to developments in previous
years, the krona has been relatively stable in 2002 and 2003. On the basis
of the Commission's recommendation, the Ecofin Council is expected to adopt
an opinion on the updated convergence programme on [20 January 2004].
[05] Commission assesses the updated Danish Convergence Programme (2003-
The European Commission has adopted a recommendation to the Council on the
2003 update of the Danish convergence programme, which was submitted on 28
November 2003 and covers the period 2003-2010. The Commission concludes
that the projections in the programme are in compliance with the
requirements of the Stability and Growth Pact and broadly in line with
Broad Economic Policy Guidelines. GDP growth is projected to be 1.4% in
2003, 2.3% in 2004, 2.2% in 2005 and then level off to some 1¾% towards
2010. The general government budget balance is expected to show surpluses
in the entire period 2003-2010. The achievement of the targeted surpluses
of 1.5-2.5% of GDP hinges to a large extent on the achievement of some
ambitious labour market goals which include increasing labour force
participation rates beyond their already high level. Moreover, the targets
for the real growth of public consumption have been lowered. Reaching these
targets might therefore prove to be a challenge. On the basis of current
policies, public finances appear to be on a sustainable footing to meet the
budgetary costs of ageing populations. The general government debt to GDP
ratio is expected to fall substantially to some 27.5% in 2010. On the basis
of the Commission's recommendation, the Ecofin Council is expected to adopt
a formal opinion on the updated Danish convergence programme on [20 January
[06] Free movement of capital : Commission calls on United Kingdom to apply
Court of Justice ruling
The European Commission has decided to remind the United Kingdom of its
obligation to comply with a Court of Justice ruling of 13 May 2003, which
found that by maintaining in force provisions limiting the possibility of
acquiring voting shares in BAA plc as well as the procedure requiring
consent to the disposal of the company's assets, to control of its
subsidiaries and to winding-up, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland has failed to fulfil its obligations under EC Treaty rules
on the free movement of capital (Article 56). The request for information
on the UK's compliance with the Court ruling will take the form of a so-
called "letter of formal notice" under EC Treaty infringement procedures
related to compliance with Court of Justice rulings.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[07] Europass : un nouvel instrument pour mieux faire valoir ses
qualifications et compétences dans l'Europe élargie
La Commission européenne vient d'adopter une proposition de décision du
Parlement européen et du Conseil instaurant un cadre unique pour la
transparence des qualifications et des compétences (Europass). Conçue dans
une perspective d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie, la proposition
rassemble plusieurs instruments de transparence dans un cadre cohérent,
identifié par le label unique "Europass", qui sera accessible depuis
l'Internet et pourra accueillir d'autres instruments. Coordination,
rationalisation et informatisation sont les concepts clés de la proposition
qui rend ainsi ces instruments plus accessibles, plus conviviaux, plus
visibles et mieux connus. Une transparence accrue des qualifications et des
compétences devient encore plus urgente avec l'adhésion prochaine de dix
nouveaux Etats membres ce que les ministres de l'Education de 31 pays
européens, les partenaires sociaux et la Commission avaient souligné en
novembre 2002 dans la Déclaration de Copenhague, à laquelle cette
proposition donne un suivi concret.
[08] Commission encourages international solidarity when utilizing exotic
When an EU company uses exotic plants like Aloe Vera for producing
cosmetics it should share the benefits of this use with the country where
the plant came from. This is the key message in a Communication just
adopted by the European Commission. The use of exotic plants like Aloe Vera,
Ginseng, Green Tea, Jojoba Oil, etc is widespread in the EU, particularly
in cosmetics. Several industry sectors are investing in research to
discover new applications for such so called "genetic resources" in
medicines, cosmetics or agriculture. The Communication urges companies and
research institutes not to take genetic resources from other countries -
usually developing countries that are rich in bio-diversity - without their
consent. European companies and research institutes should guarantee that
the countries of origin get a fair share of the profits and research
results arising from the use of their resources.
[09] Abus du marché : la Commission adopte les premières mesures
La Commission européenne a adopté trois mesures d'exécution relatives à la
directive sur les opérations d'initiés et les manipulations de marché (abus
de marché - 2003/6/CE). Ces mesures prévoient notamment quels sont les
critères détaillés à appliquer pour déterminer ce qui constitue une
information privilégiée, quels sont les facteurs non exhaustifs à examiner
pour apprécier une éventuelle manipulation du marché et quand et comment
les émetteurs doivent publier des informations privilégiées. Elles fixent
également des normes pour la présentation équitable des recommandations
d'investissement (et la mention des conflits d'intérêts). Enfin, elles
arrêtent les conditions pour pouvoir bénéficier des dérogations prévues
pour les programmes de rachat et la stabilisation des instruments
financiers. Ces mesures d'exécution sont les premières à être arrêtées dans
le cadre de la nouvelle procédure d'adoption et d'application de la
législation sur les valeurs mobilières adoptée par le Conseil européen en
mars 2001 et approuvée par le Parlement européen en février 2002 (voir
[10] December 2003 : small setback in economic sentiment at end of the year
After a continuous improvement since the summer the economic sentiment
indicator (ESI) in the EU suffered a small set back at the end of the year.
The indicator declined by 0.3 percentage points to 96.2, which however is
still more than a full point above the summer level. The developments in
the euro area showed a similar picture; the indicator fell by 0.4
percentage points to a level of 95.6. The decline of the indicator in the
EU was mainly driven by a fall of retail confidence from -6 to -9. The
industry sector also showed a lower confidence but the decline was much
smaller; from -7 to -8. The remaining components of the ESI (the
construction sector and the consumer confidence) remained unchanged. The
developments in the euro area were broadly similar. In the service sector,
which is not included in the ESI, confidence in the euro area fell slightly,
while in the EU as a whole confidence showed a small improvement, driven by
very strong increases in Sweden and the UK.
[11] December 2003 : The euro area business climate indicator remained
almost stable
The Business Climate Indicator (BCI) for the euro area remained almost
stable (a fall of 0.04 points) between November and December, reaching a
value of 0.01. Such developments were mainly driven by the worsening in
opinions about production expectations and stocks of finished products,
while production trend in the recent past improved. Total and export order
books remained unchanged.
[12] Recouvrement des créances fiscales : procédures d'infraction contre
l'Autriche et l'Italie
La Commission européenne a formellement demandé à l'Autriche et à l'Italie
de lui communiquer leurs mesures de transposition de la directive
2002/94/CE concernant l'assistance mutuelle en matière de recouvrement des
créances fiscales. Cette directive constitue un maillon important dans la
collaboration entre les Etats membres pour une correcte application des
dispositions fiscales et la lutte contre la fraude. Ces demandes se
présentent sous la forme d'avis motivés, deuxième étape de la procédure
d'infraction prévue à l'article 226 du Traité. Faute de la communication de
ces mesures à la Commission dans les deux mois, celle-ci peut saisir la
Cour de justice.
[13] Commission requests Germany to end discrimination concerning housing
grants and tax deductions
The European Commission has decided to send Germany two formal requests to
eliminate discrimination. The first concerns the rule whereby houses
outside Germany are excluded from the scope of the grant that is allowed to
persons subject to unlimited German tax liability for the construction or
acquisition of personal accommodation. The Commission considers that this
exclusion, which affects cross-frontier workers in particular, is contrary
to the Treaty provisions on the free movement of persons. The second
request concerns the fact that fees paid to foreign schools cannot be
deducted from German income tax, whereas fees paid to German schools are
tax deductible. Both requests take the form of "reasoned opinions" which is
the second stage of the infringement procedure provided for in Article 226
of the Treaty. If there is no satisfactory response to the reasoned
opinions within two months the Commission may refer the matter to the
European Court of Justice.
[14] Promoting core labour standards : Commission grants additional tariff
preferences to Sri Lanka and initiates an inquiry into labour rights
violations in Belarus
The European Commission has decided to grant additional benefits to Sri
Lanka under the EU's Generalised System of Tariff Preferences (GSP). The
Commission has also decided to initiate an investigation into the alleged
violation of freedom of association in Belarus as a first step towards the
possible temporary withdrawal of GSP to Belarus. Trade Commissioner Pascal
Lamy said : "These decisions demonstrate the EU's twin-track approach
towards using tariff preferences to promote the respect of core labour
standards : rewarding those beneficiary countries under the GSP that make
particular efforts to implement core labour standards on the ground, and
withdrawing GSP benefits in case of serious and persistent violations of
labour rights. In the case of Sri Lanka, our investigations have shown that
the country is making good progress towards full compliance with the core
labour standards as defined by the ILO, even if this situation will have to
be carefully monitored. On the other hand, we are deeply concerned about
developments in Belarus, hence the decision to initiate an investigation
which may eventually result in the withdrawal of GSP benefits, should the
serious and systematic violation of basic labour rights be confirmed."
[15] Commission welcomes the successful outcome of the SAARC Summit and the
important steps forward in India-Pakistan relations
On behalf of the European Commission, and on his own behalf, President
Romano Prodi yesterday warmly welcomed the successful outcome of the SAARC
Summit held in Islamabad from 4-6 January 2004, and congratulated all SAARC
countries on this achievement. The range of decisions taken and the
significant Summit results represent encouraging steps towards enhanced
regional integration. In particular, the agreement to implement a South
Asian Free Trade Area will reap enormous benefits for all SAARC countries,
and constitutes a formidable signal for strengthened regional cooperation.
The Commission stands ready to actively support this move through relevant
cooperation if so requested. The release of the Joint Statement by India
and Pakistan is greatly appreciated as an important step towards
normalisation of relations between the two countries. The decision by the
Prime Minister of India and the President of Pakistan to start the process
of composite dialogue in February 2004 is proof of their commitment to
further strengthen the process of confidence building and to resolve
outstanding bilateral issues.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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